Interview Prep Training - Ace Your BA Job Interview

Interview Prep-3


Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Job interviews are the most widely used technique by organizations to recruit new business analysts. Being prepared for a job interview enhances one’s prospect of getting his/her dream job. However, most BAs are not aware of the process that one needs to follow to ace the job interview.

This webinar tries to achieve the following objectives:

  • Aspects that organizations look for in their new BAs
  • How to prepare oneself for the BA job interview,
  • How to lead the job interview,
  • How to showcase one’s business analysis knowledge and skills during the interview.

This training is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

Resume Prep Training – Crafting Effective Resumes

Resume prep

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Resumes are the most likely first step in introducing a professional to his/her potential employer. A good resume opens up opportunities for discussion, a bad one kills. However, most professionals don’t have formal training in creating an effective resume.

In this practical training, we discuss-

  • Purpose of resume
  • Elements of resume
  • Do’s and don’ts of resumes
  • Tools which can increase acceptance of resumes
  • Review of participant resumes
  • Q&A

This workshop is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

Writing Effective Business Requirements Documents


Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Business requirements are the cornerstone of developing any new application. In-complete BRD causes significant challenges for any organization, often leading to a complete waste of organizational resources.

This virtual lab tries to achieve the following objectives:

  • Understanding Business Requirements
  • Understanding the structure of great Business Requirements Documents
  • Developing a model BRD for a case.
  • Q&A.

This workshop is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

Hands-on Training Using BPM Tool


Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Business process management (BPM) is a discipline in operations management in which people use various methods to discover, model, analyze, measure, improve, optimize, and automate business processes. Any combination of methods used to manage a company's business processes is BPM. Processes can be structured and repeatable or unstructured and variable. Though not required, enabling technologies are often used with BPM.

In this training session, we will be covering the following:

  • Basics of BPMN
  • Exploring the BizAgi BPM tool
  • Developing multi-level business processes

This workshop is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.


Managing Product Backlog in Jira

Product Backlog-1

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Product Backlogs have become de-facto standard for managing requirements. Jira is the undisputed leader in the Requirements management tools category. It also integrates with many other useful business analysis tools such as Balsamiq.

This virtual lab tries to achieve the following objectives:

  • Understanding Product backlog
  • Developing Product backlog using Jira
  • Managing Product backlog using Jira
  • Q&A

This workshop is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

Jira Training – Manage Requirements Like A Pro!


Manage Requirements Like A Pro!

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Requirements management tools are extremely useful tools to manage and communicate user requirements. Jira is the undisputed leader in the Requirements management tools category. It also integrates with many other useful business analysis tools such as Balsamiq.

This webinar tries to achieve the following objectives:

  • Understanding the Jira interface
  • Recording user stories using Jira
  • Developing acceptance criteria using Jira
  • Managing requirements lifecycle using Jira
  • Q&A

This workshop is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

Managing Stakeholders

Stakeholder Management

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Business analysts are expected to interact with many stakeholders. Not managing stakeholders effectively causes serious stress and anxiety to business analysts. In-effective stakeholder management can lead to disastrous consequences for the project and the business analysts' careers.

This training tries to achieve the following objectives:

  • Stakeholder management life cycle
  • Effective Stakeholder management techniques
  • A case study to develop a Stakeholder Management Plan
  • Q&A

This workshop is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

MS Visio Training – Draw Like a Pro!

MS Visio-1

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Requirements models are extremely powerful techniques to obtain and communicate user requirements. MS Visio is the undisputed leader in the business diagramming tools category. It also integrates with MS Office which is the most popular documentation tool in the market today.

This webinar tries to achieve the following objectives:

  • Understanding MS-Visio interface
  • Developing user interface prototypes using MS Visio.
  • Developing process models using MS Visio.
  • Other types of diagrams possible with MS Visio
  • Q&A

This training is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

Writing Effective Software Requirements Documents

Software Requirements Document

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Software requirements are the cornerstone of developing any new application. In-complete SRS causes significant challenges for any organization, often leading to a complete waste of organizational resources.

This virtual lab tries to achieve the following objectives:

  • Understanding Software Requirements
  • Understanding the structure of great Software Requirements Documents
  • Developing a model SRS for a case.
  • Q&A.

This training is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

Balsamiq Training – Draw UIs Like a Pro!


Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Prototyping is an extremely powerful technique to obtain user requirements. Balsamiq is the undisputed leader in the prototyping tools category. It also integrates with Jira which is possibly the most popular requirement management tool in the market today.

This webinar tries to achieve the following objectives:

  • Types of prototyping
  • Understanding Balsamiq interface
  • Developing user interface prototypes using Balsamiq
  • Q&A

This training is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

Writing Effective User Stories in Jira

User Stories

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

User stories have become a de-facto standard for developing end-user requirements. Jira is the undisputed leader in the Requirements management tools category. It also integrates with many other useful business analysis tools such as Balsamiq.

This virtual lab tries to achieve the following objectives:

  • Understanding User Stories
  • Recording user stories using Jira.
  • Developing acceptance criteria using Jira.
  • Q&A.

This training is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

UML Training – Model Like a Pro!


Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Requirements models are extremely powerful techniques to obtain and communicate user requirements. UML is the world’s most popular requirements modeling notation.

This webinar tries to achieve the following objectives:

  • Need for UML
  • Different types of UML diagram,
  • Activity diagram
  • State diagram
  • Class diagram
  • Data flow diagram
  • Q&A

This training is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

Financial Analysis for Business Analysts

Financial Analysis for BA

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

Financial analysis is the cornerstone of making a decision about significant investment. Erroneous financial analysis causes significant challenges for any organization, often leading to a complete waste of organizational resources.

This virtual lab tries to achieve the following objectives:

  • Understanding the theory behind financial analysis
  • Developing a financial analysis for a case.
  • Q&A.

This training is free for Adaptive’s Inner Circle Members.

Brief Bio of the Presenter

LN Mishra, Holder of 2 World Records - World’s 1st BA to hold all 6 IIBA® certifications and Guide 750+ professionals to be IIBA® certified

Internationally Acclaimed BA Author, Trainer, and President @ Adaptive US Inc.

LN has 25+ years of professional experience in business analysis, requirements analysis, agile software development, and management consulting. LN plays the role of product owner for SuXeed, Adaptive’s flagship Learning Management solution.

LN has been a part of multiple large system developments, In-country Value System for PDO Oman and Color Data Management System for AkzoNobel. He was also involved in multiple large ERP implementation projects. LN was involved in one of the world’s largest change management program in Pricewater House Coopers, for a large utility agency.

LN has authored 20+ bestselling books on business analysis. LN has conducted 200+ workshops in business analysis, requirements management, agile, software project management, and Six Sigma. He has also guided 30+ six sigma projects in iGate, MACH, and Akzo Nobel.

LN holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) from IIM Ahmedabad, and BE (Honors) in Electronics.