Business Analysis Core Concept Model | Free BA Career Guide

4 min read
9/24/20 12:00 AM

BACCM is a conceptual framework used to help Business Analysts to “enable change in an enterprise by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders”.


The BACCM consists of six equally important core concepts: Change, Need, Solution, Stakeholder, Value, and Context. All core concepts are equally important and necessary. 

  1. Change: Change is an act of transformation within an organization in response to a need. The need can be internal or initiated by an external event such as a disruption in the market.
  2. Need: Need is a problem or opportunity to be addressed.
  3. Solution: A specific way of satisfying one or more needs in a context. The idea is to resolve the problem faced by stakeholders or enable the stakeholder to capture the opportunity in the market
  4. Stakeholder: A group or individual with a relationship to the change, the need, or the solution.     Stakeholders are grouped based on their relationship to the needs, changes, and solutions. 
  5. Value: The worth, importance, or usefulness of something to a stakeholder within a context. 
  6. Context: The circumstances that influence, are influenced by, and provide an understanding of the change. A change always occurs within an environment. 

Now we will go through some examples to relate these concepts to your personal and professional lives. 


Nowadays, mobiles have become an integral part of everyone’s life. Some of you will be reading this article from your mobile. Why do you need a mobile? It could be to make calls, watch videos, listen to music or play games, monitor health, access business emails, read books, and much more…


Now, what value will this phone deliver to you? Mobile can deliver different values based on the context of the user; it can help you to capture precious moments of your toddler, always keep you in touch with your family and friends, enable you to access the internet on the go, and reply to the emails which require immediate actions. A mobile’s ability to address these needs makes it valuable to the user.

BA Career Guide 2023


Coming to context and change, it could be something like wanting an upgrade from an existing phone or purchasing a new phone because your existing one broke, or you are a first time user of a phone and you want to purchase one that is within your budget, etc.


As for the solution, it is coming to the conclusion as to what type of phone you need, should it be a smartphone, normal phone, what features do you need in that phone, etc.


Answer to all these questions helps you to decide which mobile you should buy.


One of my friends made the mnemonics for BACCM “We deliver Value from the Solution to a Need of the Stakeholder in the Context of Change”. 


So, whenever you are on any project, reiterate the above mnemonic and check what “Business Value” are you delivering with your proposed solution. What is the perspective/context of the stakeholder and why does (s)he need this change


One of my projects was related to the GDPR (Global Data Privacy Regulation). GDPR is the regulatory requirement that should be implemented. Failure to comply with EU GDPR law typically results in fines of €20 million or 4% of annual global turnover, whichever is greater. So, the Business value in this context is saving the probable fine of 20 million dollars. In this case, our stakeholders were Government (which enforced the requirement) and customers (for whom we had to implement the requirements). From the customer perspective, it increases customer satisfaction and the trust between the customer and the organization.


In 2020, Coronavirus disrupted the way the companies and government operate. It is the external factor that initiated the change in the way of operations. We need to address this problem and keep our families/customer (Stakeholders) safe and also provide them with the value they were getting before corona. Different companies and governments opt for different solutions based on the context of their operations 


Work from Home” is one of the solutions in the IT industry which became the “New Normal” to address the Coronavirus challenge. Different universities opted for “Online study” to address this challenge. Although the solutions are always based on the context, for some countries in which people don’t have the means to study online (Computers/Internet), this solution will not work.


While some companies had to take drastic measures to curb the impact of Coronavirus, some companies captured the opportunities created by this virus. The sales on the eCommerce platform have increased significantly and retail companies have diverted their investment to online platforms compared to the physical malls they have. 


To conclude, everyone has limited resources and we have to use them wisely to be successful. Everyone has 24 hours a day and you always have to prioritize some things over others. Use this mnemonic to decide if your Project/Task at hand is the MIP/MIT (Most Important Project/Task) and whether it is delivering the highest value compared to the other project/task in your plate.


“We deliver Value from the Solution to a Need for Stakeholder in the Context of Change” 


Please note that the value generated is not always tangible, it can be intangible like customer satisfaction which can help you build long-lasting relationships with your customer/stakeholders. 


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